Friday, January 13, 2012

NC League of Conservation Voters Legislator Rankings

The NC League of Conservation Voters has released their rankings of state legislators, which can be found here.

NCLCV is a statewide advocacy organization that endorses candidates based on their environmental records and positions, and lobbies for environmental causes. The scores were based on legislator's votes on the most environmentally significant bills.

According to NCLCV, "This year’s scores are the lowest we have reported since NCLCV has been producing a Scorecard (1999).  The average score in the House was 43% compared to 67% for the 2009-2010 average; the Senate average was a mere 27%, compared to 69% in 2009-2010."

The change in the General Assembly can be exemplified by the declines in the rankings of two legislators. Rep. Ruth Samuelson's (R-Meck.) score fell from 75% in 2009-2010 to 17% in 2011. Likewise, Sen. Fletcher Hartsell (R-Cabarrus) fell from 76% to 8%. Both Rep. Samuelson and Sen. Hartsell had been considered very friendly to environmental issues in previous sessions, in which they were above the average for the legislature. Now, environmentally, they both are near the bottom.

The scorecard can be found here.

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