Friday, May 1, 2009

Terminal Groins

Terminal Groins, sometimes known as Jetties, are hardened devices on beaches that are often at the end, but sometimes in the middle, of a beach. They are used to hold sand and prevent erosion of beaches. However, while they can protect one section of a beach they often cause such harm as additional erosion on other nearby parts of a beach.

43 scientists who study beach erosion have signed a statement that terminal groins should not be allowed. Current NC law does not allow terminal groins because of the effect.

(edit, 5/8/09)Some good information and examples of terminal groins can be found here

However, Sen. Julia Boseman of Wilmington introduced a bill SB 832,to allow such structures. In spite of strong opposition from the scientific and environmental community, Sen. Mark Basnight and others supported it. In the Senate it was passed by a vote of 37 to 10, and now goes to the House.

The following Senators voted against the bill despite of pressure from the Senate leadership: Allran; Atwater; Berger, D.; Brock; Clodfelter; Graham; Hunt; Kinnaird; Stein; Vaughan.

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