Today, people from many organizations concerned about land preservation, for clean water protection, farmland
preservation, recreation, and other purposes, came together to lobby the NC
General Assembly for preservation and improvement of the four NC trust funds
that are used to protect land in North Carolina.
The trust
funds are (information copied from
The Natural Heritage Trust Fund, created in
1987, provides funding for the acquisition and protection of important natural
and cultural areas. Acquisitions include land that is home to rare plant and
animal species as well as important wildlife habitats. It also covers the
acquisition of sites that are significant to NC’s cultural history. To date, it
has funded more than $310 million in projects.
The Parks and Recreation Trust Fund,
created in 1994, funds improvements in the state’s park system,
dollar-for-dollar matching grants to local governments for parks and grants to
local governments to improve public beach and estuarine access. It is the main
source of funding for most state park improvements or acquisition of land to
create new parks or expand existing ones. To date, it has funded more than $449
million in projects.
The Clean Water Management Trust Fund,
created in 1996, makes grants to local governments, state agencies and
conservation nonprofits to help finance projects that address water pollution.
It covers land acquisitions that protect watersheds. It also funds other
solutions to pollution, such as wastewater treatment or stormwater upgrades. To
date, it has funded more than $950 million in projects.
The Agricultural Development and Farmland
Preservation Trust Fund, created in 2005, funds conservation easements on
lands used for production of food, fiber and other agricultural products. It
also supports public and private enterprise programs that promote profitable
and sustainable agricultural, horticultural and forestland activities. To date,
it has funded $11.6 million in projects.
funding of these trust funds was reduced by 85% during the 2011 session of the
General Assembly. We hope that some of this funding can be restored. Also the
CWMTF was prohibited from being used to acquire land except around military
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