Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Land for Tomorrow Lobby Day

Today, people from many organizations concerned about land preservation, for clean water protection, farmland preservation, recreation, and other purposes, came together to lobby the NC General Assembly for preservation and improvement of the four NC trust funds that are used to protect land in North Carolina.

The trust funds are (information copied from

Monday, May 7, 2012

NC League of Conservation Voters announces the 2012 Green Tie Award

The North Carolina League of Conservation Voters has announced the 2012 Green Tie Award winners. The awards will be presented at the Green Tie Awards Dinner on June 20th from 6-9 p.m. at the Downtown Sheraton. These awards are given annually to members of the NC General Assembly for their work on behalf of the environment. More information about the awards can be found at

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Raleigh lifts watering restrictions

The Raleigh City Council has lifted restrictions that require alternate day watering. In Raleigh you can now water any time you want. If the city council felt that the restriction were unneeded because the same amount of water would be used without them, it would be more understandable. However, it is now revealed that the reason for lifting restrictions was to increase the usage of water.