Sunday, February 12, 2012

Legislative Environmental Stars Lost

Even before the primary elections, we know that at least four of the leading environment voices in the Triangle will not be returning for the 2012 session. This is due to retirements and placement of two of our environmental friends in the same district.

Joe Hackney of Chapel Hill announced that he would not be running for reelection. Rep. Hackney was the Speaker of the House before the 2008 Republican takeover. He recently announced that he would not be running for reelection.

Jennifer Wiess, who was placed in a very Republican district now represented by Rep. Tom Murry, has announced that she is not running for reelection.

Although we can't know the real reason for the retirements (being a legislator takes much time away from families and pays almost nothing), both Reps. Hackney and Weiss were placed in districts that they would have trouble winning.

We don’t know the fate of Rep. Deborah Ross or Rep. Grier Martin, but at least one will be back next year. They are in the same district and are expected to be running against each other in the Democratic primary this May.

Also, Sen. Richard Stevens is one of best (on the environment) Republicans in the General Assembly. Although he would likely be easily reelected, he has decided to retire.

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