Saturday, December 17, 2011

Pantego Wind Farm

Conserve NC is a supporter of alternatives to fossil fuel, including wind energy. We recognize that one of the limitations of wind energy is the environmental consequences of improper siting, particularly the effect on wildlife.

One example of bad wind farm siting is the proposed Pantego wind farm in Beauford County in eastern NC. This is a proposed 80MW wind farm that is to be located near the Pongo lake area of the Pocosin Lakes National Wildlife Refuge. Pantego Wind Energy LLC has asked for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity from the NC Utilities Commission.

The area is considered to be an Important Bird Area by the National Audubon Society and is the winter home to many birds, including the Tundra Swan, a number of ducks and geese, and other species. These birds typically roost in certain places in the area, and, every day, fly to other areas.

An obvious danger to these birds is direct strikes by the turbine blades. A less obvious but more serious danger is habitat avoidance. This occurs when birds avoid collisions with turbine blades by flying somewhere else. We can assume that the birds have found the optimal area for roosting, foraging for food, and commuting between the two locations. If we force the birds to find new locations for these activities the new locations will be less optimal. The result will be fewer birds.

A number of environmental groups, all of which support alternative energy, including wind, oppose or want further study before the NC Utilities Commission allows this project to be built. Among the groups are the Cyprus Group of the NC Sierra Club, Audubon NC, Friends of the Pocosin Lakes NWR, and the Southern Environmental Law Center. Links to comments from these organizations are listed below.

Cypress Group Sierra Club written comments (page 21 of 33 page pdf document) Click Here 
Testimony by Robert Scull  of the Cypress Group Sierra Club (page 69 of 75 page pdf document Click Here 

Audubon NC Comments Click Here 

Audubon NC blog post Click Here

Testimony of Larry Hodges, member of the board of the Pocosin Lakes NWR (10 of 75 page pdf document) Click Here 

Testimony of Derb Carter, Southern Environmental Law Center (page 38 of 77 page pdf document. Click Here  

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